Monday, March 14, 2011

The One About Tony...

My dad placed an index card on the coffee table, thanked me once again for a great weekend and left for the airport. I was working from home and quickly waved goodbye to my father before focusing on my laptop screen. Three hours later, I finally took a break and turned on the tv for some much needed distraction. It was completely accidental that I noticed the index card next to my orange juice. I turned the card over and read my father's writing.

Yesterday, I got off work around 6pm and decided to take my dad out to dinner. And not just any dinner --- a nice steak dinner! An hour later, we sat in Ruth's Chris Steakhouse laughing at my dad's recent hilarious experiences in New Zealand in between bites of the house ribeye, garlic mash, brussel sprouts and an apple crumb pie.

While driving home, I thought of my father's involvement during my childhood. He worked incredibly hard to support our family of seven. During the week, he left every morning at 5:00am and returned at 6:00pm exhausted from his physical labors. I don't recall too many social conversations with my dad. He sacrificed a normal father-son relationship in order to ensure our family's economic stability. I'm now learning how difficult this whole job thing is and am genuinely appreciative. I also look forward to furthering my relationship with my father. Someday, I hope I become just like him. Except with better handwriting... haha.

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